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Getting Started with 3D Printing

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Liza Wallach Kloski and Nick Kloski

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The book is written in a casual, conversational style. It is easily accessible to those who have no prior knowledge in 3D printing, yet the book's message is solidly practical, technically accurate, and consumer-relevant. The chapters include contemporary, real-life learning exercises and insights for how to buy, use and maintain 3D printers. It also covers free 3D modeling software, as well as 3D printing services for those who don't want to immediately invest in the purchase of a 3D printer. Particular focus is placed on free and paid resources, the various choices available in 3D printing, and tutorials and troubleshooting guides.


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เลขที่ 199 ม.6 ต.ทุ่งสุขลา อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230

โทร 038-354580-4 ต่อ 666900 และ 666901, 065-716-2632


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