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Internet of Energy Handbook

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Pawan Kumar, Srete Nikolovski, and Z. Y. Dong

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The Internet of Energy (IoE), with the integration of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), has led to a transformation of traditional networks to smart systems. Internet of Energy Handbook provides updated knowledge in the field of energy management with an Internet of Things (IoT) perspective. Features Explains the technological developments for energy management leading to a reduction in energy consumption through topics like smart energy systems, smart sensors, communication, techniques, and utilization Includes dedicated sections covering varied aspects related to renewable sources of energy, power distribution, and generation Incorporates energy efficiency, optimization, and sensor technologies Covers multidisciplinary aspects in computational intelligence and IoT Discusses building energy management aspects including temperature, humidity, the number of persons involved, and light intensity This handbook is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and professionals interested in power systems, IoT, smart grids, electrical engineering, and transmission.

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