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Why Men Win at Work : … and How to Make Inequality History

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Gill Whitty-Collins

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Why are men still winning at work? If women have equal leadership ability, why are they so under-represented at the top in business and society? Why are we still living in a man’s world? And why do we accept it? In this provocative book, Gill Whitty-Collins looks beyond the facts and figures on gender bias and uncovers the invisible discrimination that continues to sabotage us in the workplace and limits our shared success. Addressing both men and women and pulling no punches, she sets out the psychology of gender diversity from the perspective of real personal experience and shares her powerful insights on how to tackle the gender equality issue. ‘This book tells the inconvenient truth about the gender inequality issue, providing some real deep insights into what truly gets in the way of driving diversity - even in companies that are trying to do the right thing. It may be uncomfortable reading for some but crucial for driving the needed change to create a long-term advantage.’ - Paul Polman, Founder & Chair, Imagine and Ex CEO, Unilever

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