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Strategic Brand Management and Development : Creating and Marketing Successful Brands

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Sotiris T. Lalaounis

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Bringing together theories and concepts from brand management, consumer culture theory, marketing, communications, and design, this book provides an understanding of how organisations can successfully develop, market, and manage their brands. It draws extensively from scholarly research published in social sciences and humanities to provide a detailed discussion of the process of brand management and development. This book explores how organisations can design brand identities, develop brand marketing programmes, measure brand performance, and sustain brand equity, combining psychological, sociological, cultural, and management perspectives. It provides numerous examples that contextualise theory, enabling the reader to understand how past and present branding campaigns and strategies can be deconstructed, analysed, and evaluated, using these theoretical insights.With end-of-chapter case studies on Burberry, Juventus F.C., Pukka Herbs, YO!, and many other European and global brands, Strategic Brand Management and Development is an essential text for students in marketing, brand management, and consumer research, or for anyone interested in understanding the extraordinary power and scope of brands and branding in contemporary post-modern society.

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