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Marketing Tourism and Hospitality : Concepts and Cases

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Richard George

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This textbook explores the fundamental principles of marketing applied to tourism and hospitality businesses, placing special emphasis on SMEs in the international tourism industry. It includes examples from a wide range of destinations, from emerging markets to high-income countries. Taking a comprehensive approach, the book covers the whole spectrum of tourism and hospitality marketing including destination marketing, marketing research, consumer behaviour, and digital and social media marketing. Practical in focus, it gives students the tools, techniques, and underlying theory required to design and implement successful tourism marketing plans. Chapters contain in-depth case studies, including companies like Marine Dynamics Shark Tours (South Africa), Reality Tours & Travel (Mumbai, India), and Makeover Tours (Turkey). Thematic case studies include 'Halal Tourism in Southeast Asia', and 'Marketing and Branding Rwanda'. These illustrate key concepts and theory, with definitions, key summaries, and discussion questions providing further insights. This textbook is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students looking for a comprehensive text with a practical orientation.

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เลขที่ 199 ม.6 ต.ทุ่งสุขลา อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230

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