Indira Hirway
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This book primarily argues that there is an urgent need to measure unpaid work by using sound concepts and methods to produce quality time use data, as it is an important component of the “total economy” as defined by United System of National Accounts, 2008. It also argues that there is a need to incorporate statistics on unpaid work in analyzing critical national socioeconomic concerns, such as, poverty, unemployment, human development etc and other social concerns, and to integrate it in major mainstream national policy designing and monitoring in order to ensure gender justice and women’s economic empowerment on the one hand and to optimize the use of total labour force in an economy to maximize development, to promote well being of its people and to ensure good quality professional care to those who need care on the other hand. Part One of the book assesses the quality of time use statistics produced in the global south and suggest how to produce quality time use statistics to measure unpaid work well; while Part Two of the book contains the papers that show how to address critical socioeconomic concerns and integrate unpaid work in mainstream national policy design by using innovative analytical tools. The authors in this book are well known economists who have worked in the field of time use studies for several years. They are from several global organizations or global consultants working in renowned universities and research institutes spread over many countries located in the global south and global north.