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Lactic Acid Fermentation of Fruits and Vegetables

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Spiros Paramithiotis

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Lactic acid fermentation has been practiced for thousands of years mainly to preserve surplus and perishable foodstuff and also to enhance them organoleptically. Lactic acid fermentation of fruits and vegetables is no exception, leading to the production of a wide range of products, some of which are now considered as characteristic of certain geographical areas and cultures. The aim of this book is to collect, present, and discuss all available information regarding lactic acid fermentation of fruits and vegetables. For this purpose, an international group of experts was invited to contribute their knowledge and experience in a highly informative and comprehensive way

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ห้องสมุดมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตศรีราชา

เลขที่ 199 ม.6 ต.ทุ่งสุขลา อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230

โทร 038-354580-4 ต่อ 666900 และ 666901, 065-716-2632


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