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Farm business management: the human factor.

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Nuthall, P. L

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This book outlines the human components of what makes a person, and why a farm manager acts in particular ways. The following chapters bring past and new work as well as developments and theories from other disciplines, including psychology, to provide a well-structured set of ideas for understanding managerial ability. The book consists of eight chapters. Chapter 2 contains outlines of the characteristics of a farmer that defines his modus operandi, and how these characteristics might be measured using psychometric tests. Chapter 3 looks at the relationships between the factors that define a manager. Chapter 4 reviews the possible decision criteria and processes used. Chapter 5 contains an outline of the competencies necessary for successful farm management. Chapter 6 outlines the common errors, or biases, and, therefore, highlights areas that require special attention when improving ability. Chapter 7 considers the factors that give rise to the objectives held by the farmer. Chapter 8 then reviews whether success is possible from using management improvement programmes.

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