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Economic Growth with Social Justice: Collected Writings of Mahbub ul Haq

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Khadija Haq

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The book traces the evolution of Mahbub ul Haq’s thinking on development, and highlights its impact on global, regional and national policy debates, and relevance to today’s headline events. It situates the origins and significance (both in affecting academic and policy debates) of Haq’s development philosophy focusing on social justice. The introduction to the volume explains Haq’s reasons for moving away from growth-only philosophy to growth with distribution. The four parts of the book show Haq’s contributions to the larger development debate from the 1960s to the 1990s, including on issues ranging from global governance, sustainable development, trade and debt, to food security, gender equality, and nuclear disarmament. Each part is introduced to place Haq’s work in the context of that period, explain its significance in shaping development theory, policy, and practice, and highlight its ongoing influence and relevance to today’s issues and debates. The book analyses Mahbub ul Haq learning lessons from his close encounter with the political reality of the day that made him evaluate some of his own assumptions and to refine his tools to achieve his ultimate goal—to make people the centre of all development policies, programmes and actions.

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