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CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformation : The New Responsibility

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Virginia Munro

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As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution and usher in Globalization 4.0, it is more urgent than ever to commit to social and environmental goals such as those outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The theory, research, and practice of concepts such as shared purpose, shared value, and corporate social responsibility have evolved rapidly in order to respond to change and transformation in society, but only in a scattershot, poorly understood way, with no single study offering an integrated view of these dramatic transitions. Emphasizing a global perspective, CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformationtakes long-overdue stock of how such transformations are integrated within the trajectory of CSR's core concepts. Taking a deep dive into social entre- and intrapreneurship, innovation, shared value, social impact, stakeholder engagement, and the development of the UN SDGs beyond 2030 Virginia Munro provides a framework for understanding the evolving role of the corporate dollar in the pursuit of a global ecosystem that is more inclusive of all stakeholders. For its theoretical rigor as well as its easily digestible case studies, this book is a must-read for both researchers and students of innovative 'preneurship' and CSR-related concepts, and for those struggling to understand the 'new normal' in a setting for 'new responsibility'. The foreword for this book is written by acknowledged CSR guru and Emeritus Professor Archie Carroll. Additional endorsements supporting this book are supplied by various practitioners and academics including ex-Deputy-Director General of UNESCO and Emeritus Professor Colin Power.

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