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Behavioral FinanceWhere Do Investors' Biases Come From?

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Itzhak Venezia

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"This unique volume presents new original research exploring factors that lead to investors behavioral biases. It discusses how features such as professionalism, sophistication, gender, media, and culture influence investors' decision-making in general, and in particular, how they generate (or limit) behavioral and cognitive biases. The effects of these factors on capital markets are also discussed. The book is based on the discussions and presentations at the First Israel Behavioral Finance Conference, which took place in Tel Aviv in May 2015. It examines in greater detail some of the key issues discussed at the conference. This is an innovative book in behavioral finance: it is the first to present an extensive collection of papers which discuss a comprehensive array of factors that influence or define investor character and analyzes these factors' effects on financial markets. The book is useful for readers interested in understanding the factors that influence investors' profiles and thus their behavioral biases. The book will be of great interest to researchers and students seeking a reference book which contains timely research on these areas of behavioral finance."

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