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Audiovisual Translation : Theories, Methods and Issues

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Lib SRCLib SRC

Luis Perez-Gonzalez

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"Audiovisual translation is the fastest growing strand within translation studies. This book addresses the need for more robust theoretical frameworks to investigate emerging text types; address new methodological challenges (including the compilation, analysis and reproduction of audiovisual data); and understand new discourse communities bound together by the production and consumption of audiovisual texts. In this clear, user-friendly textbook, Luis Perez-Gonzalez introduces and explores the field, presenting and critiquing key concepts, research models and methodological approaches. Features include: - Introductory overviews at the beginning of each chapter, outlining aims and relevant connections with other chapters - Breakout boxes showcasing key concepts, research case studies or any other relevant links to the wider field of translation studies - Examples of audiovisual texts in a range of languages with back translation support when required - Summaries reinforcing key issues dealt with in each chapter - Follow up questions for further study - Core references and suggestions for further reading This is an essential text for all students studying Audiovisual or Screen translation at postgraduate or advanced undergraduate level and key reading for all researchers working in the area"

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